
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Revolution's Pilot Received Positive Review

The staff from GeekFurious had the great opportunity of watching the Pilot Episode of Revolution, their review is incredible and quite hopeful. But there is more, they gave it the highest score of all NBC’s shows, 98.4 out of 100.

This is the complete review:
WALKING DEAD meets LOST minus the zombies and island. It feels epic. Great acting, music, pacing, writing, cinematography, story and whatever else goes into making a show awesome. Unlike some pilots where you are left thinking "this could be good once they get comfortable telling the story" this one feels excellent from beginning to end. J.J. Abrams (LOST, FRINGE) and Eric Kripke (SUPERNATURAL) may just have created the next big thing. Please, TV gods, let this be successful. 98.4 out of 100.

I don’t know about you but this review leaves me more anxious than ever and makes the wait even more addictive. For the time being stay tuned to Revolution Is On, we will bring you the latest news as we get close to the big premier.

I think I should see a doctor now. Blood Expectation Level: MORTAL

Source: GeekFurious