
Friday, June 29, 2012

Giancarlo Esposito Interview about Captain Tom Neville

   As part of an interview on the Fifth Season of Breaking Bad to one of the greatest bad guys ever, Giancarlo Esposito revealed to Entertainment Weekly some aspects of his new character in Revolution, Captain Tom Neville. This is what he said:

   What can people expect from your character in J.J. Abrams’ upcoming apocalyptic NBC drama, Revolution?

   They can expect a guy who is another very cordial, appropriate human being. But Captain Neville has an edge and the ability to wreak havoc and to be very, very violent in a moment’s notice. Whereas Gus is very held in and keeps things close to the vest and put together, Captain Neville is a little more of a loose cannon. He is frightening in a different way that Gus is. He’s a master manipulator, similar to Gus, but he does it in a very different way. And I think he’s living it out his life having been an accountant, before all the power went out and being very controlled—he’s now living his dark side in a very uncontrolled way. I’m excited to bring it to life.

Source:  EW

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Review of Revolution's Pilot Episode by The Hollywood Reporter

   The guys of The Hoolywood Reporter had the great opportunity of watching a full-preview of Revolution’s Pilot Episode. They didn’t want to give Spoilers, maybe they couldn’t, but they did give some hints of what to expect on the series premiere on September 17th. This is what they have to say:

   1. It's a version of the world we live in. The pilot actually kicks off in modern-day Chicago just as all of the world's televisions, cars, freezers, light bulbs, phones and -- gasp! -- even iPads simultaneously flicker and turn off. While there's no attempt to explain the globe's sudden rejection of physics, even when events quickly move forward to 15 years after the great blackout, it is hinted that some have information that they aren't sharing with others.

   2. Listen up, Twilight fans. There may not be any vampires or werewolves in Revolution, but it does count franchise star Billy Burke (aka Forks police chief Charlie Swan) as its lead actor. Burke is joined by frequent Good Wife guest Tim Guinee, Breaking Bad creepGiancarlo Esposito, David Lyons (The Cape), Andrea Roth (Rescue Me), Tracy Spiridakos (Being Human), Anna Lise Phillips and a slew of others.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Revolution has its own Keycard for Comic-Con

   Warner Bros. has unveiled the designs for the Hotel Keycards of this year's Comic-Con for three of their upcomming shows: 666 Park Avenue, Arrow and Revolution. They will make only 40k cards, so if they are equally splitted, Revolution gets about 13k cards! If you are going to Comic-Con make sure you get one!

Tell us what you think about the design?

Revolution Keycard for Comic-Con

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Revolution will Premiere on September 17 at 10/9c

   NBC has just released their full schedule for Fall 2012, including Revolution Premiere date: September 17 at 10/9c.

revolution premiere date

   To celebrate this great and very anticipated news, here on Revolution Is On, we started the countdown to the premiere of Revolution! You can see it on the right panel.
   After the premiere, the countdown will be restarted to show when will air the next episode. Stay tuned for more news!

Source:  NBC

Friday, June 8, 2012

Revolution Will Attend Comic-Con 2012

   As you may know, Comic-Con is the event that many fans are anxiously awaiting to know more about their favorite series and movies. Well, this year the Revolution cast will attend along with Eric Kripke and Jon Favreau to the big show, wich will be in San Diego. Get ready for a storm of news, trailers and spoilers!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monroe Republic: the Dictatorship.

UPDATE: Monroe Republic Part 1: Resources

   The official Revolution Trailer reveals that the U.S. government has fallen, probably because of the chaos and confusion generated by the blackout. Unable to control people, the Monroe Republic emerged, a military government led by General Monroe, first name: Bass

general monroe bass

Revolution adds the TV Writer Anne Cofell Saunders to the Team

   This is probably very good news. The TV writer Anne Cofell Saunders has joined the writing staff of Revolution, she confirmed the news via Twitter (@acofell).

Anne Cofell Saunders writer of revolution

   Anne has done some stunning work on TV in the past years. Her credits on TV include 24, Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Chuck and Smallville. As it seems, we might be in good hands.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Interview with JJ Abrams on Revolution

   JJ Ambrams, excecutive producer of Revolution, gave an interview where he talks about the main premise of the show and delivers some light about what to expect from it and the direction they want to take. Definitely a Must See.

New Interview of Burke and Spiridakos on Revolution

   IGN spoke with Burke and Spiridakos recently, where they shared their excitement for the new show and working with its creators. Also they talked about their experiences doing Revolution.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Interview with the Cast of Revolution

If you are dying for something more about Revolution, let me bring to you the interviews to the cast of Revolution. They are short but at least we can hear from the actors themselves what the show is about.

interview with revolution cast

Revolution Has a New Poster for Season 1

The official Revolution site hasn't released the new poster yet, but somehow the site SpoilerTV got it. Here is the new image with all the main characters, and below it, the old one.