
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Interview with the Cast of Revolution

If you are dying for something more about Revolution, let me bring to you the interviews to the cast of Revolution. They are short but at least we can hear from the actors themselves what the show is about.

interview with revolution cast

Billy Burke
billy burke interview   "What this show is really about is, at its core, humanity in the face of adversity. And if you start with that premise, no matter what situation you are in, I always feel like you started in the right place. 
   It's not a show about how we are going to solve a case or what the procedure is to do with this thing or that thing, it's really about people and family and finding each other."  
Watch it on YouTube

Giancarlo Esposito
interview giancarlo esposito   "After 15 years of living in a world without power, Captain Tom Neville is the head of the Militia and who is the enforcer that keeps order all across the country for the Republic Monroe. Its a new conceptual piece that is so exciting that I'm really proud of being a part of it. Erik Kripke has written a fantastic script and JJ Abrams is our excecutive producer. 
   It describes a world that coul be without hope but is not so, is a world that has hope in it but has to be conected to what really is important in terms of the land, the Earth, farming and relationships."  
Watch it on YouTube
Tracy Spiridakos
tracy spiridakos interview   "I feel like it's about family, compasion and caring for another. You know, everyone is put into this extrem situations and what we do for each other put in a really strong hard places. It's about love and family in many ways, with a lot of adventure and fun, fun, fun stuff.
   There is a lot of serious stuff that happens but we are tracking through abandoned cities to see what we find. Crazy things happen, scary things happen but over all it's a really fun adventure."
Watch it on YouTube