
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Daniella Alonso Interview with Bello Magazine

Daniella Alonso Revolution - Fashion cover Bello Magazine
   The beautiful Daniella Alonso is in the new Fashion cover of Bello Magazine #43. Besides her stylish photos where she is more beautiful than ever, Daniela talks about her personal life and her role in "Revolution".

   Does Daniella Alonso look like someone who would geek out over fantasy football…and five inch heels? This New York City beauty (born and raised) is full of surprises. Not only does she have a successful modeling career under her belt, she also has a green belt in karate. And it looks like those ass-kicking skills are coming in handy during the inaugural run of NBC’s hit action series, “Revolution,” in which she plays Nora, a rebel with a penchant for explosives. We recently asked Daniella a few questions to out why she would place her grandmother and Kate Moss in the same category…

Nora is quite a rebel. How rebellious were you growing up?

   Nora is quite the rebel. Growing up I would say I was not too rebellious for two reasons. The first, my mom has always been a carefree spirit so she never gave me curfews or rules like that because she trusted me. Growing up in NYC, I was pretty much able to do what and go where I wanted from a young age, so I never felt the need to “rebel”.

How have the acting roles you’ve been offered changed over the years since you started out?

   The roles I’ve been offered have drastically changed since I first starting acting. The only roles before were stereotypical and usually there were three of them… a Latina gang banger, pregnant illegal, or maid. But things have changed so much. I have been very lucky to have been able to play girls and women from all walks of life; from a lawyer to a doctor, to a marine, to a lesbian, to the girl next door, to a cop, to a therapist, to now a mercenary rebel bomb expert on Revolution, and the list goes on! Looking back, before me who have paved the way like Rita Moreno, Salma Hayek, and Jennifer Lopez to name a few.

How does a New Yorker like yourself adjust to sunny L.A.?

   I admit it was hard at first to adjust to LA. I missed the changing of seasons. But I love how everyone in LA is health conscious, and it’s all about hiking and surfing and bike riding and eating healthy.

What makes you geek out?

   What makes me geek out is football and fantasy football!

How would you describe your sense of style?

   My sense of style, I’d say is comfortable and casual with structured pieces thrown in for fun! And five inch heels.

What’s one accessory you must have?

   The one accessory I must always have is shoes! I’m obsessed with shoes: flats, heels, pumps, boots, booties, sneakers, sandals, platforms… Love them all!

Who or what inspires you?

   In terms of life, my grandmother has always been my inspiration! Her strength, confidence, and heart inspire me daily! In terms of fashion, I’ve always been a huge fan of Kate Moss. I love the way she takes casual clothing and gives it a unique twist. Walking around NYC inspires me; from the clothes people wear to architecture to the energy of the city. It’s very inspirational.

What are you most excited about in 2013?

   What I’m most excited about in 2013 is getting back to being Nora! I love the adventures and life experiences that have come my way since I started playing her. It truly has been a dream come true!

Daniella Alonso Revolution - Bello Magazine

Daniella Alonso Revolution - Bello Magazine

Daniella Alonso Revolution - Bello Magazine

Daniella Alonso Revolution - Bello Magazine

Daniella Alonso Revolution - Bello Magazine

Daniella Alonso Revolution - Bello Magazine

Daniella Alonso Revolution - Bello Magazine

Source: Bello Magazine