
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rachel's Original Storyline

Rachel - Andrea Roth
   The Cubs “losing” the World Series wasn’t the only tweak made to the Revolution pilot. While the plan was always for Charlie’s mom Rachel to be alive, the way that twist played out in the original pilot, with Rescue Me‘s Andrea Roth in the role, was a bit different. For one, Rachel’s status among the living was revealed at the end of the first episode. Secondly, it originally took place in General Monroe’s tent, when she stepped out from behind one of the privacy screens (see screen grab, right).

   Explaining the rewrite that came with the Elizabeth Mitchell recast, exec producer Eric Kripke told me, “We wanted to establish that character correctly, and my honest problem was that when she shows up in the tent in the [original] pilot, it’s sort of implied that she’s Monroe’s lover. A little. And I don’t know where that story goes! But I do know where a story goes where she’s introduced in a very different way” — namely, as someone clearly being held captive by Monroe’s minions. All told, “We’re launching that story in a different way with a different circumstance,” Kripke says, “which will give us a much cleaner line as we move forward with Rachel’s story.”

Source: TVLine